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Born October 20th, 2020 at home in Amsterdam


'The contractions started at 2am and steadily increased until by noon, I had 5cm of dilatation. 

Shortly after, my waters broke and within an hour I had my first end-stage contraction. Since the midwife hadn’t arrived yet, I had to slow down my girl for a while (for which I used the position of leaning on my elbows and knees : )). Due to the hurry I unfortunately did not have a bath or a birthing stool so I chose to gave birth while standing. My baby girl arrived within 15 minutes after in good health.


During the whole labor I have been amazed by how easily I had access to relaxation and it has definitely made the whole experience an easier one.' 

A. joined weekly prenatal yoga and deep relaxation classes throughout her pregnancy, in person in Amsterdam and via Zoom 

© 2018 by Kasia Pokrop

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