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Prenatal yoga & HypnoBirthing refresher

Yoga was never really my thing... until I set foot in the pregnancy class of Kasia. There I’ve experienced how incredibly fulfilling it was! I felt how nice it was to reconnect with my body and to let go of my mind. Suddenly, I was looking forward to Sunday’s and especially to the relaxation part of the yoga class: it was amazing!

I felt a connection with Kasia from the very beginning and because it was our second baby, I’m very happy that my husband and I took a refreshing hypnobirthing course with her.

That really helped during childbirth and brought us closer to our beautiful son Eli.

All together, I’m looking back to this journey with great warmth and now looking forward to start yoga again after couple of weeks.


December 2020,  Amsterdam

© 2018 by Kasia Pokrop

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