Born April 13th, 2020
“The night our daughter was born, I spent around 4 hours completely focused on my breathing, allowing my uterus to tighten up and relax without fighting against the pain. Visualization worked like a charm to me, also changing positions and getting some lower back massage from my husband.
By the time we called the midwife, contractions became so strong that I felt the urge to push. I was hoping for a water birth so I asked my husband to fill up the bath for me. We only made it to the edge of the bath without even having time to get in the water. By the next contraction I pushed and our lovely little daughter came out to her father arms. The midwife was on her way so we spend a couple of minutes there, the 3 of us without knowing exactly what to do but amazed by the power of nature and enjoying the magical moment of birth.
Your body knows exactly what to do! Don’t let your fear interfere with the magic of life and enjoy the moment!” - Pamela
Pamela and her husband joined Mamamoon One Day Retreat in Amsterdam March 6th, 2020