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Why practice yoga when pregnant..

"Practice during my pregnancy not only gave me strength during the nine months, prepared me for the day I met my little girl but it also kept me grounded, helped me accept anything coming my way and it was fun! I am very happy I get a chance to share this experience with others as well :)"


  • breathing techniques,

  • relaxation,

  • strengthening muscles that support the growing baby, 

  • energizing,

  • self-nurture,

  • expanding breath capacity & lengthening exhalation,

  • building connection with the baby,

  • responding to postural changes,

  • bringing awareness of pelvic floor muscles that will become birthing muscles,

  • managing possible minor ailments,

  • preparing for birth (that includes birthing breath, as well as birthing positions, and techniques that are handy for labor),

  • preparing for motherhood (teaching include physical and emotional preparation for the change that is about to happen)

  • and more..

What you can expect during a class..

An example of a prenatal class with me..

What others say about the classes

Anja & Eli.jpg

Prenatal yoga and HypnoBirthing refresher

"(...) I felt a connection with Kasia from the very beginning and because it was our second baby, I’m very happy that my husband and I took a refreshing hypnobirthing course with her.That really helped during childbirth and brought us closer to our beautiful son Eli. (...)"


Prenatal yoga

"I met Kasia by the end of my pregnancy, I wish I could have met her earlier because in very short time I learnt very important things that helped me a lot during my delivery (...)"


Prenatal yoga

"I attended pregnancy yoga classes from Kasia from 20 weeks pregnant until 40 weeks. (...) During labor I used many of the tips Kasia gave me like breathing, posture and different movements to help the baby get out. During the 'hard part' of the labor we had the music Kasia recommended on the background and it really made me able to relax in between the 'waves' (...)"


Prenatal yoga

"Really enjoyed Kasia’s pregnancy yoga classes - the perfect mix of yoga, hypnobirthing & calming techniques and empowerment to prepare for birth!"


Prenatal yoga and Online Mama & baby yoga

"(...) Kasia makes sure you feel strong and balanced in this journey. She gives the right amount of power and challenge in her classes and also let's you take rest, so you can meet your own needs (...)"


Prenatal yoga & Birth Prep Workshop

"(...) Kasia is a great teacher and communicator, and made all explanations easy and practical. 

My labor will start in the coming weeks and I am looking forward to apply what I've learned (...)"


Prenatal yoga

"(...) The poses and breathing techniques Kasia taught helped me during labor. It wasn't an easy labor but using the ujjayi breathing technique helped me through labor without any painkillers.  And when they wanted to do a C-section because the baby wasn't positioned correctly, I asked to try for another two hours, got on all fours and in this position managed to reposition the baby (...)" 


Online prenatal yoga

(YT & Live streaming)

"(...) I've been practicing online yoga with Kasia since the mid of my pregnancy. After each practice I could feel my body was getting so relaxed and flexible that I decided to practice Kasia's sequences every day (...)"


Prenatal yoga

"(...) The poses and especially breathing techniques she taught helped me a lot to relax and cope with the pain. Besides being a superb yoga teacher she creates a calming and friendly atmosphere in her classes which also made me to look forward to go the classes (...)"


Prenatal yoga

"Pregnancy yoga with Kasia is very inspiring and helpful to prepare for the delivery. The poses are convenient and Kasia teaches in a way so that you and your body remember the poses. Also the emails with the short practice rounds to do at home are helpful. Thanks Kasia!!"


© 2018 by Kasia Pokrop

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